Upcoming Scheduling Requests

Respond to Requests

Roster tips

Here are a few tips to help you get the most out of the online roster:

  • Use the Change button in My Roster to switch from seeing just your allocations to seeing the whole roster for the term.
  • If you cannot do a task, please click Decline then Swap or Replace to tell the system to find someone who can fill in for you. Swap will find matches where you are both free to swap. Replace will ask every volunteer who can normally do the task. Either way you will be removed from that task. You can initiate Swap and Replace even after having accepted a position by clicking X next to your name. Use the final Decline only if you need the office’s help.
  • Please let us know ahead of time when you cannot serve by submitting your Unavailability located under the Sundays tab.

Get notifications of upcoming tasks by text or email by choosing your communication preference under your profile. You can also use the Elvanto app from Apple Store or Google Play. Enter ‘Epping’ for the domain name when using the app for the first time.